The small class sizes of a classical school are one of the main reasons so many parents opt for a private school. Oftentimes, private schools offer more individual attention because the classes have fewer students.
While many parents know that class size is important, they don’t always know the full benefits of smaller classes. Below, we take a look at a few core reasons to opt for a smaller classroom.
#1 Shy Students Can’t Hide
Imagine your child in a larger class with 30-35 students. Perhaps your child struggles with math. Maybe most of the other students struggle with it and simply don’t care. Your child sits at the back of the room and tries to pay attention while staying quiet.
Unfortunately, the distractions from other students prevent any meaningful learning. Then, your child falls further and further behind in the lessons.
As public schools continue to struggle with budgets, class sizes continue to increase. That means that classes with 30-35 students are quite common.
Now, consider a group of 10-15 students. This puts each student in a situation that encourages engagement and interaction, with other students as well as the teacher. Moreover, it helps to foster a better educational climate.
Encouragement & Engagement for All Students
Small class sizes allow every student to express themselves. It offers each student time to polish their skills and gain the practice they need. In larger groups, this is often far more difficult.
With a small class, children can’t hide away. Instead, they receive the help and encouragement that they need. This helps them develop more confidence and poise.
Additionally, smaller groups surround students with encouragement and attention. This helps them learn and grow in a guided manner. The setting also allows for sharing and teamwork as students discuss the lessons.
Because many students learn in different ways, the teacher has more time to present the material in more helpful ways. That’s much more difficult in a larger group of students.
#2 More Manageable Classrooms
Managing a large class is no easy feat. Unfortunately, teachers often spend too much time trying to manage the class, which cuts away from their teaching time. With small class sizes, behavior issues are more of an exception than a rule.
At any age, behavior issues in large groups escalate quickly, making it difficult to regain control. Moreover, teachers in public schools often have to manage far more learning styles. That’s hard enough to handle even in the best conditions.
Often, students learn more when classes are smaller. They learn faster and progress through the curriculum more quickly. Soon, they develop more confidence in expressing their views and opinions.
#3 Social Benefits
Small class sizes allow for deeper interaction between students. They offer students the opportunity to grow closer and learn how to cooperate and collaborate. These are essential lessons for children.
Later in life, children need to know how to interact and cooperate with others in personal and professional situations. Typically, the class grows a more unified spirit that helps them focus.
When students know and understand their classmates, it also allows them to develop lasting friendships.
Small Class Sizes & Classical Schools
As you consider the benefits, it’s clear that small class sizes are the logical extension of an educational style that focuses on the whole child. In other words, school is about more than teaching lessons.
At a private school, there’s more focus on the subjects within a larger context. Moreover, it gives students a sense of who they are and where they fit into that context. At Saint Nicholas School, we equip students with a lifetime of achievements when we foster the whole child.