Do you find yourself wondering “What is classical Christian education?” Oftentimes, parents who feel the public school system doesn’t share their values decide to explore private options. However, with the plethora of options available, it’s good to stay curious. 

When you want to find the best education for your child, it’s important to understand the foundation of a school’s philosophy. Below, we provide some insight into a classical Christian education and answer, “What is CCE?”

Classical Christian Education

In the CCE model, we use methods and content to develop thoughtful, critical, articulate, and well-rounded students. As a classical school, Houston families rely on us to provide an education that helps each child reach their God-given potential. 

Oftentimes, parents refer to classical Christian schools as a “pearl of great price.” This is because those who understand it value it greatly. However, those who don’t tend not to recognize how impactful the model is. 

What Is Classical Christian Education?

When you wonder “what is classical Christian education,” it’s important to look at the details of the model. While the curriculum may differ with school, the core focuses on the same principles. 

Age-Specific Learning

In CCE, schools utilize children’s strengths at every stage of development to help them learn. For instance, young children often enjoy rhymes, singing, and memorization. Through these methods, we lay a solid foundation for each subject. 

As students grow, they become more inquisitive. At this stage, it is essential to develop their critical thinking skills. In doing so, we help them hone their ability to use reason to discern the truth. Then, they learn how to articulate their ideas and present them in a persuasive manner. 

In the end, this process results in a student who knows what they believe. Moreover, they understand why and how to use their skills to impact the community in a positive manner. 

Time-Tested Methodology

What is classical Christian education? It’s a model backed by history. 

Through the CCE model, schools develop skills that foster lifetime learners. To accomplish this, they teach students how to recognize the defining facts of each subject. Once they recognize the structure of the information, they develop a concise, persuasive style of presenting what they learn. 

This is nothing new. In fact, the CCE method of instruction dates back hundreds of years and produced many of the great thinkers in history. Through this model, students gain a familiarity with a broad array of subjects, resulting in thoughtful, knowledgeable, and gracious individuals. 

A Curriculum Centered in Christ

CCE schools teach every subject based on the principle that God is the Creator. As such, all the knowledge students gain interconnects and ultimately points back to Him. In every arena of school life, the schools apply Biblical standards of conduct. 

Moreover, the schools recognize that God grants parents the responsibility for their child’s education. Additionally, the schools instruct students under the delegated authority of their parents. 

Often, students grow in appreciation for their religion and remain faithful through college. With a Christian community, CCE fosters a heart driven by serving others. 

Rigorous Academics

What is classical Christian education? Too often, people assume it is little more than Sunday School. In reality, the CCE model challenges students to grow and improve themselves continuously. 

Within themselves, students have the capacity to achieve more than most people think. Therefore, classical schools have expectations of their students. As the schools foster a love of learning, they follow the example of their instructors. When a teacher loves what they teach, the students learn to love it as well. 

With a classical education, students experience the satisfaction that comes from mastering a task. Moreover, they benefit from the confidence and self-esteem that come from these achievements. 

Nurturing Community

When people wonder “what is classical Christian education,” they don’t always realize that it builds a community for students and parents. Moreover, a classical school is a community for staff and teachers as well. As they share a commitment to grow in godliness, they form a bond that lasts. 

Additionally, smaller class sizes allow teachers to build relationships with their students and better serve them. Students feel the love and empathy, knowing that they are more than just another face. Furthermore, they manifest a deeper respect and appreciation for their parents, teachers, and fellow students. 

What Is Classical Christian Education? Learn More About CCE

If you still find yourself asking, “What is a classical Christian education,” perhaps it’s a good time to visit Saint Nicholas School to see for yourself. Through CCE, we offer a time-tested system that establishes a biblical worldview. 

Moreover, we incorporate teaching methods that cultivate Christian virtues and foster a love of learning. If you feel that your child would benefit from a classical education, schedule a visit with our school today.